Applications are open until 14 February for the 2014 European School of High-Energy Physics which will take place in Garderen in the Netherlands 18 June - 1 July. Lectures will cover a broad range of high-energy physics topics at a level suitable for students working for a PhD in experimental particle physics. More information.
Standing Committee
- T. Donskova, JINR
- N. Ellis, CERN
- M. Mulders, CERN
- A. Olchevsky, JINR
- G. Perez, CERN & Weizmann Inst., Israel
- K. Ross, CERN
Enquiries and Correspondence
Kate Ross
CERN Schools of Physics
CH-1211 Geneva 23
Tel: +41 22 767 2142
Tatyana Donskova
International Department
JINR RU-141980 Dubna, Russia
Tel: +7 49621 63448
International Advisors
- J. Engelen, NWO & Univ. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- R. Heuer, CERN
- V. Matveev, JINR
- A. Skrinsky, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia
- N. Tyurin, IHEP, Protvino, Russia
Scientific Programme
- Particle Physics and Cosmology: J. L. Feng, UC Irvine, USA
- Future Prospects for LHC Physics: F. Gianotti, CERN
- Theory Outlook: G. ‘t Hooft, Univ. Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Flavour Physics and CP violation: J. F. Kamenik, JSI and Univ. Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Field Theory and the Electro-Weak Standard Model: R. Kleiss, Radboud Univ., the Netherlands
- QCD: E. Laenen, Univ. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Neutrino Physics: S. Petcov, SISSA, Italy
- Higgs Physics: A. Pomarol, UA Barcelona, Spain
- Heavy-Ion Physics: C. Salgado, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- SUSY: Y. Shadmi, Technion, Israel
- Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists: W. Verkerke, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model: A. Weiler, CERN & DESY, Germany
Discussion Leaders
- P. Artoisenet, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- A. Bednyakov, JINR
- C. Delaunay, LAPTh, France
- A. Gladyshev, JINR
- C. Pisano, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- K. Schmidt-Hoberg, CERN
Local Committee
- J. Berger, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- S. Caron, Radboud Univ., the Netherlands
- R. Fleischer, Nikhef & Vrije Univ., the Netherlands
- O. Igonkina, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- F. Linde, Nikhef & Univ. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- V. Mexner, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- A. Mischke, Univ. Utrecht, the Netherlands
- P. Pani, Nikhef, the Netherlands
- D. Samtleben, Univ. Leiden, the Netherlands
- L. Wiggers, Nikhef, the Netherlands