Applications are open until 14 November for the 2015 Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics which will take place in Ibarra, Ecuador 4 - 17 March. Lectures will cover a broad range of high-energy physics topics at a level suitable for students working for a PhD in experimental particle physics. More information.
International Organising Committee
- M. Aguilar, CIEMAT, Spain
- L. Alvarez-Gaume, CERN
- E. Carrera, USFQ, Ecuador
- M. Cerrada, CIEMAT, Spain
- C. Dib, UTSFM, Chile
- M.T. Dova, UNLP, Argentina
- J. Ellis, King's College London, UK and CERN
- N. Ellis, Schools Director, CERN (Chair)
- A. Gago-Medina, Pontifica U., Peru
- M. Gandelman, UFRJ, Brazil
- P. Garcia, CIEMAT, Spain
- M. Losada, UAN, Colombia
- M. Mulders, Schools Deputy-Director, CERN
- G. Perez, Weizmann Institute, Israel and CERN
- K. Ross, Schools Administrator, CERN
- G. Zanderighi, CERN
- A. Zepeda, Cinvestav, Mexico
Enquiries and Correspondence
Kate Ross
CERN Schools of Physics
CH-1211 Geneva 23
Tel: +41 22 767 2142
Scientific Programme
- Field Theory and the Electro-Weak Standard Model : J. Iliopoulos, ENS Paris, France
- QCD: D. de Florian, UBA, Argentina
- Flavour Physics and CP violation: B. Grinstein, UCSD, USA
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model: R. Rosenfeld, IFT-UNESP, Brazil
- Neutrino Physics: P. Hernandez, U. Valencia, Spain
- QCD Under Extreme Conditions: E. Fraga, UFRJ, Brazil
- Higgs Physics: C. Grojean, ICREA/IFAE, Barcelona, Spain
- Experimental Facilities: P. Jenni, U. Freiburg, Germany and CERN
- Practical Statistics: L. Lyons, Imperial College London and U. Oxford, UK
- Cosmology: K. Kunze, U. Salamanca, Spain
- Facilities in Latin America: X. Bertou, Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA/CONICET, Bariloche, Argentina
Discussion Leaders
- L. Da Rold, Centro Atómico Bariloche, CONICET/IB, Bariloche, Argentina
- F. Febres Cordero, Simon Bolivar U., Venezuela
- G. Herrera Corral, Cinvestav, Mexico
- B. Hoeneisen, USFQ, Ecuador
Local Committee
- A. Ayala, USFQ, Ecuador
- E. Ayala, EPN, Ecuador
- E. Carrera, USFQ, Ecuador (Chair)
- J. Grefa, USFQ, Ecuador
- S. Guitarra, USFQ, Ecuador
- C. Mantilla, EPN, Ecuador
- N. Vasquez, EPN, Ecuador